So life has been sort of hectic lately and I haven't really had time to post anything... for instance right now I need to be studying for my american history test that's at 6, especially since I don't really listen in the class. Hopefully I can bullshit my way through it. That class is just so boring. I've heard the lecture so many times, since like 2nd grade, that it just isn't interesting anymore. I think only like 2 out of the 15 kids pay attention. Quite a few actually sleep through it. I pay attention off and on but I have found that it is a really good class for getting my thoughts for other classes out on paper. For some reason it helps my thinking process to have my teacher yammering on about battles in the background.
Oh so the whole point of the update was to share my schedule for next semester! Yes indeed we finally got them today. At first my schedule consisted of a Photo 2 class and no sculpture or ceremics classes. Please, tell me how it makes sense to put a sculpture major in a photo 2 class instead of a sculpture 2 class. Our registrar is ridiculous. To make things better my roommate, Emma, is a photo major and was put into a sculpture 1 class. hahahahaha! This school I swear. When I was talking to the registrar about my schedule she said the only thing she could do for me was to switch me from photo 2 to either painting 1 or drawing comp. Um no thanks to either. She only left me with one choice...I went and had a chat with Tom Lee, the sculpture teacher/my advisor. After laughing hysterically about me taking a photo 2 class he went and chatted to the registrar. He told her he is fine with allowing 5 more sculpture majors into his sculpture 2 class. I was number 3 on the waiting list so of course I got in! Take that registrar!! So my finally schedule as of this moment (I'm on the waiting list for my favorite art history teacher's American Art class) is...
Monday: none
Tuesday: Literature Survey 10:40-12:05
Book Arts 1 1:00-3:35
Art & Design:1950's 4:20-5:45
Wednesday: Sculpture 1 9:00-3:35
Thursday: same as tuesday
Friday: Metalsmithing 9:00-3:35
ohs and here is an update on my new pet pacman frog, Oliver Khiem...
Oli eats mostly worms. Hates the calcium powder that I put on his food once a week and so far has refused to eat anything with it. I placed tiny grasshoppers in Oli's tank yesterday but I'm not sure if they are being eaten. I put in 5 and I saw 2 this morning but I haven't really looked around for them all yet. Oli is probably about 1 inch in diameter right now. Oliver chilled in his leaf water bowl for the first time yesterday. Everyone in the house was excited and proud of him. Today Oli is back to sitting beside it though. No croaking has been heard from Oli. Really quite and laid back. Loves to dig in the dirt and hide during the day. Hops only when it can't be avoided. I want to get one of the nocturnal lightbulbs so I can really watch Oli at night but can't afford the $17 right now.