First I feel I must mention that I am not allowed to post pics of the girls who come to camp. I am allowed to take their pictures, of course, but I cannot put them online for their privacy. So you will see photos of other counselors and I, just not the kids, though you can ask me in person and I will gladly show you! I have now been at Camp Wicosuta for two weeks since June 18th. I had to travel from Nashville, TN to Plymouth, NH (where I was picked up by camp). The bus ride was definitely an experience. I had 3 transfers. Atlanta, GA, New York City, NY, and Boston, MA. Atlanta was a short stop, NY's bus station sucked. It was all underground so the only view I got of NY was while on the bus entering and departing it. I will have to go back later to see the sites, later in life. Boston had the best bus terminal. It was two stories, had a food court/ shopping center, and they were pretty nice people. Even though it was an adventure I would rather not take a 38 hour bus trip again unless maybe I was traveling with someone or a group.
From the 18th till the 25th we had a week long orientation for staff only. That went great. Started out a bit awkward but eventually after tons of name learning games we started to feel more comfortable with each other. We were assigned bunks and co-counselors. I moved up onto the hill but happily not all the way up the hill like the hilton cabin. The kids came around the 27th. Mine and Katie's girls don't come for another week and a half. We were assigned twoos. Which are two-week coos(10yr-olds). I've been told that it takes a special kind of person to deal with the tweekers(two-weekers). They get homesick alot and this is usually their first time at camp. Mostly they just need lots of hugs, attention, and love. Hopefully they don't keep me up at all hours of the night.
So these first couple weeks all of us tweeker counselors just help out in other cabins and with all the evening activities setup and takedown. Not too bad, I say. The only sad part is that we have to sleep in empty cabins with empty beds and empty cubbies except for our own.
My activity area doesn't seem too bad. The girls who are teaching ceremics/pottery with me, Sarah and Aly, are pretty nice people. Aly doesn't know how to use the wheel and her knowledge is limited in ceremics so we will see how that goes lol. The rest of the arts and crafts gang are cool too. Not so sure about the activity head. She seems kind of young to really know what she is doing and she doesn't really have teaching experience. I guess we are all in the same boat experience wise. See how this works out.