Friday, July 15, 2011

Ain't No Mountain High Enough!

This is why my Co-counselor is awesome. It was raining pretty hard before this so we were all sitting on the porch waiting for it to let up so we could make our way to the indoor campfire. First I came in with my lies I tell children lol. They were all huddled together in the doorway worrying about lightening hitting them if they stood too close to the railing(like me and katie were doing). So first I told them the facts. Lightening hits in the highest places and since the trees are taller than the cabin it is highly unlikely we will get hit by it. Those 10 year old girls persisted though. They would not believe me that they were safe so I told them the 'lie' my dad told me as a kid. "As long as you are wearing shoes with a rubber bottom if lightening hits you it will bounce right back out, so no need to worry as long as your shoes have rubber soles." I don't know why kids find this more comforting than the fact that lightening hits the highest point, but they do. My girls looked around at each other's feet, realizing they all had rubber rainboots, then stepped forward next to the banister to watch the rain with us lol. Then the rain became slow enough that we decided it was safe to walk to the playhouse(indoor fireplace). But the girls again were scared to travel from under the safety of the cabin roof. This is where I reminded them of their rainboots and Katie began to sing one of their favorite songs. As they joined in, they worried less about the rain, so off we went. Of course singing all the way, others joining in as we traveled.

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