Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Whats on my Mind (edited)

A) Stories, books. Been reading alot since camp. One of the many good things that came from there. I haven't had time for reading since high school, I forgot how much I love it till the girls at camp got me back into it. I have so much time for it this semester too, especially with the bus rides to and from work. I'm going to miss it come spring semester when I know I won't have time for it. Finding extra time between classes, work-study, the part-time job, and the homework isn't easy. Usually any extra time is spent sleeping, lol. So I'm loading up on books now while I can. I just ordered some more yesterday!
B) I still haven't found a place to stay or a job for next semester. Emma is getting worried about finding an apartment, but she is incessantly anxious anyhow. I'm not really worried, worse comes to worse we just stay at school housing again. I really want a job closer to the school so that I won't have to spend so much on gas this year, but worse comes to worse I take back my job at Kroger. It'll all work out in the end.
C) Ideas. If I were smart I would come up with ideas, concepts, metaphors, what have you for next semester now so that I'm not scrabbling to come up with something then. Concept is always my downfall. I create and figure out the meaning later. The teachers at mca don't really understand that way and prefer it the other way around. For some reason this is like getting a fish to fly for me. It doesn't help that I haven't even been working on my sketchbook like I should. It's starting to turn into more of a journal than drawings, which is usual for me, but I really wanted to work on my lack of drawing skills. I'm really bad at forcing myself to do things I don't like to do. I need someone to force me, honestly, but I'm not going to find that here, lol.
D) Someone asked me if I was enjoying my time here at disney. It really made me think. I mean, yes, I am of course. But I think I'm going to stop fretting about money so I can truly enjoy myself. I'll save up enough for a first month's rent, deposit, and groceries, everything else I'm going to use here if I find something I want. It will truly be a vacation that way, I feel.
E) Christmas. I won't be home for christmas for the first time ever this year though I will be home between Dec. 3-12. I already got the days off and bought the flight tickets so it is all settled, except where I am staying while there, lol. My room was finally given away to one of the younger kids so now it is the couch or an air mattress. Or staying with my aunt who has a guest bedroom. I don't know yet. The kids will be at school during the day so I could sleep in at Vada's and meet the kids after school everyday or I could stay with my parents, be woken up around 7 every morning but get to see the kids and eat breakfast with them before they left. But then I will have to either stay home alone or tag along on mom's daily activities. It's a difficult decision. I'm just excited to see the kids and family! Which reminds me I also need to start getting gifts. We just got the holiday merchandise deals and coupons so it's the perfect time for disney shopping. I even have their lists...
Zachary-Pascal(Tangled), Flying Magic Carpet(Aladdin)
Aubrey-Killer Whale(SeaWorld)
Kelsey-Bagheera(Jungle Book), Tiger
Casey-Mushu & Crickey(Mulan)
Mom-Dori & Squirt(Nemo), Kota(Brother Bear)
Dad-Bruce & Crush(Nemo), Pumba(Lion King)

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