Sunday, January 6, 2013


This year is bringing changes.

I want to be healthier, lose some weight, so I'm slowly changing my diet. I want to eventually only eat vegan. I've done a lot of research and have foung that this diet is actually extremely healthy and has a ton of benefits, except of course that the mortality rate for vegans is lower than that of non-vegans. They just die sooner for some reason. But it does improve health, improves energy, improves the immune system, will help me lose weight, and will keep me from getting diabetes, cancers, etc.
Now I just need a good excercise program to go with it.

This year I also need a new job. I'm not recieving pell grants any longer due to my parents finances, who don't pay for any of my schooling yet for some reason how much they make matters to financial aid until I'm 25 years old, married, have a child, they both tragically die, or I'm working on my Masters. It all sounds dumb to me really. I thought I was considered independent at 18 when I left home and provided for myself, but apparently I was wrong. So anyways, now I need a part-time job to go along with my full-time art student job and my work-study job. bleh. School is hard enough as it is, without the job on the side. Honestly I complain but once I have a nice part-time job I usually don't mind that time away from school to clear my mind. It is actually quite nice.

I am excited about this new semester. I'm going to try to work harder than usual. I want to bring my grade-point average up a couple points if I can. It's at a 3.0 right now. All my classes end before 4pm this semester which I think will be great. I won't be tired during a class because I'm an early riser. I love mornings and do better in the mornings rather than at night when I'm exhausted from the day.

Also in any free time I have I need to be figuring out where I want to go for my Masters degree, fill out applications, find and apply to scholarships, etc.

Well, we shall see how it all goes.

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