Thursday, June 11, 2015

2015 Update

     Many events have occurred since last post. I've been engaged, graduated from college, moved from Memphis, worked in a daycare, became pregnant, had a baby and got married in that order. I am now a stay at home mother to a 3 month old little boy, Adam, which has its ups and downs. My husband, Neil, works full time at a decent job to support us, I love him dearly for that. I think that pretty much brings things up to date.

     I am struggling a bit with being an artist. I want to do and experience great things but at the moment it is difficult to go grocery shopping, let alone pick up a pencil to do some much needed sketching. I know i just need to make the time to do it, that is easier said than done. I'm attempting to write and illustrate a children's book with my husband. Presently we are only at "proofing the writing" stage. I've done little character sketches here and there but I need at least some solid writing down before I start sketching pages. I hate to say it, the biggest road block is my sweet little one. Now that I'm not working one would think I have all the time in the world, this is not so. Adam recently had hit tongue tie lasered, story for another time. He demands all my attention. When I do have a few minutes, while he plays or swings, I have to use it to use the bathroom, brush my teeth, shower, do the dishes, eat, prepare meals,  do laundry, clean and tidy the apartment. It doesn't leave much time to do other things. I'm sure one is thinking "hey you are blogging right now?" Well... I'm breast feeding too. I can blog one handed while sitting down, believe it or not. I can't always draw because I do have to use one hand to help my son eat and at times it is my dominant hand. The hopes with his recent procedure is that he does become a skilled eater. That will help a lot time wise and with his level of happiness.

     With all that said it is time to set some goals. I'm going to start small with goals I know I can achieve and work my way up.

1) 1 finished sketch every Friday.

2) 20 minutes exercise every day(with or without baby)

3) Book draft finished one month from now (July 11, 2015)

4) Don't allow the baby being attached to me 24/7 hold me back! Figure out ways to work it out!

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